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Comment The clock as a scientific instrument (Score 1) 252

How about we treat the clock as an instrument to indicate the rotation of the Earth in relation to the sun. You, know, with the sun at its highest point in the sky at, on average, 12:00PM?

Timezone's are still useful though, otherwise train timetables get a bit funky. Daylight saving? Just change the work hours to 8AM to 4PM and we won't feel such a need to faff about so much with the numbers on the clocks.

Comment Free speech (Score 1) 257

The spread of "misinformation" is not anything that should be stopped simply because history has shown that what we understand to be "information" is constantly being updated. That doesn't mean I agree with what these guys are saying, and that's the point. I am free, and grown up enough, to disagree with them.

Also, history has shown that when the wrong "information" becomes a crime then books get burnt and so do people and that part of history is remembered as "dark times".

Comment Re:This article ... is written like a curse (Score 1) 188

"People have already admitted" does not constitute any kind of scientific proof. The first sentence demonstrates a level of contempt and ridicule for even considering the possibility that crop circles may be as yet not fully explained. This is exactly the problem with Wikipedia. The expression of such an attitude is just not neutral and does not belong in an encyclopedia, not matter how much the community have convinced themselves otherwise to their own satisfaction.

Comment Re:This article ... is written like a curse (Score 1) 188

I have a personal bias towards encyclopedias that aren't really encyclopedias. Why is it that Britannica so much less of a jarring read?

I have an open mind on this topic. Wikipedia has a closed mind, shut tight and thrown away the key, thank you very much! That is what I find jarring.

Comment This article ... is written like a curse (Score 5, Interesting) 188

The problem with the Wikipedia community, or rather a POV group that just happens to share the same bias as the founder, is that any article about a fringe topic just has to put the boot in in the lead and basically say, "Wikipedia thinks that this is topic is crap perpetrated by morons".

One example is crop circles. This is covered in both Wikipedia and the online Encyclopedia Britannica.

"Crop circles are said by some who have studied them to be messages from intelligent extraterrestrial life, but many have been proved to be the work of humans."

"Although obscure natural causes or alien origins of crop circles are suggested by fringe theorists,[4] there is no scientific evidence for such explanations, and all crop circles are consistent with human causation.[5][6][7]"

The former sounds like a neutral view on the subject which the latter is just a slap in the face directed especially at a group of people labelled "fringe theorists".
That is an opinion piece, not an encyclopedia.

Comment If I can't even hear them... (Score 1) 78

Then why would I order then online?

There headphones are not cheap and I need to understand why I would pay that much for them. I only bought the Q35s online because I was able to listen to them in a Bose store. I heard their sunglasses headphones last week. I probably won't buy them but they sounded amazingly good for what they are.

Bose are shooting themselves in the foot if they think that the number products sold over the shop counter is the only sales generated by their physical presence on the high street.

Comment Maybe they need a new law to comply with (Score 1) 134

Such as a mandatory, clear explanation to content creators on why their video may infringe rules, exactly where it infringes the rules (i.e. is it in the description or at what time points within the video) and what needs to be done to make the video non-infringing and resubmit it.

If they won't produce this basic information voluntarily then maybe we need a new law to compel them to do this.

Comment Re:How will you kearn the health effects (Score 2, Informative) 228

It's typical leftie nonsense. They want to ban or regulate or tax everything. They don't want to solve problems like the chronic lack of housing. Or lower healthcare costs by expanding the supply of doctors. And they ignore science when it suits them too. E-cigarettes are less harmful that regular ones. Even more off - they are pro cannabis. And smoking cannabis does cause cancer. So who knows what they actually believe.

Lefty nonsense? More like prohibitionist nonsense. Which I understand to be a "conservative" trait, if anything.

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